San Damiano Retreat Center Houses 8 Refugees Posted August 9, 2016 by admin@interfaith


In the Franciscan Tradition of reaching out to the marginalized and those called the “other”, San Damiano has worked in partnership with Jewish Family & Community Services East Bay since 2015. Over the year they have helped house 8 refugees, both short and long term, in order to help them get on their feet.

Here is the story of two of these young men, Jalal and Kamal, which was released on World Refugee Day June 20, 2016 .  Thank you Side X Side Studios and HIAS for telling the story.

This is the link to the story:

For more information, contact:

Br. Michael Minton, OFM
San Damiano Retreat Center
P. O. Box 767 (mailing address)
710 Highland Drive
Danville, CA 94526
Fax: 925-837-0522
[email protected]