Monthly Archives: August 2022

  1. PREPARING FOR PEACE DAY: Continuing to Observe the International Day of Peace

    The Interfaith Peace Project continues its ongoing observance of the International Day of Peace, September 21, by sending out a reflection on the twenty-first of…

  2. ONE NATION, ONE WORLD, ONE HUMAN FAMILY: A Reflection from the Interpath Traditions

    ONE NATION, ONE WORLD, ONE HUMAN FAMILYA Reflection from the Interpath Traditionsby Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P. In his September 2020 Address to the United Nations, Pope Francis…

  3. The American Women Quarters Program: Continuing to Honor International Women’s Day

    Dear Friends: The Interfaith Peace Project continues its ongoing observance of the International Women’s Day, March 8, by sending out a reflection on the eighth…

  4. THE LAND: A Reflection from the Interpath Traditions

    August 5, 2022 THE LANDA Reflection from the Interpath TraditionsBy Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P. A very wonderful, powerful, and transformative practice is emerging in more and more sectors of our contemporary society. Many gatherings and meetings…