Executive Director
Executive Director

Thomas P. Bonacci C.P. is the Interfaith Peace Project’s Executive Director. Tom offers friendly and hospitable programs to help participants cope with inherited stereotypes, innocent misunderstandings, embarrassing questions or general knowledge of the many faith traditions of humankind. Tom was ordained in 1972 for the Passionist Religious Order of the Roman Catholic Church, and is recognized for his scriptural scholarship.
One of Tom’s dreams is The Intrafaith Project , involving conversations, projects and experiments exploring the reality and possibility for the practice and study of interfaith spirituality.
“A man of vision, Tom’s programs are less about learning of differences and similarities in religions, and more about understanding, respecting and connecting to all humankind.” — George D’Angelo, Ph.D., Founder, UN International Day of Peace Vigil.
A Message from Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P.
When I think of The Interfaith Peace Project, I experience deep gratitude. The Project was born out of heartbreak, loss, and upset. We challenged ourselves not to be overwhelmed by the troubles and upsets of the day. We would respond to people rather than react to issues. Our homes, Centers, and places of gathering and worship would become locations for the practice of Interfaith Spirituality and Compassion. We would honor each and every person of any or no persuasion, realizing the uniqueness of every person. We do this together.
Interfaith spirituality has been a major part of my life. I grew up in a diverse neighborhood of Churches, Synagogues, and various other worship sites. Of course, I was not aware of the richness of that experience until I met Fr. Thomas M. Berry, C.P. in the late 1960’s. I joined the Passionist Religious Order and was deeply influenced by the work and vision of Fr. Tom. Over the years, my life with the Passionist Community opened my heart to those who suffer from poverty and injustice. The Interfaith Peace Project continues to be blessed by the wisdom of those often neglected, ignored, or dismissed.
Sr. Grace Ann Geibel, RSM (+December 24, 2014) was a significant inspiration in developing The Interfaith Peace Project. Her generous heart and inspiring wisdom continue to bless us to this day. The dedication and hard work of Sr. Barbara Finch, CSJ, gave us a solid social justice foundation. The poor and broken of society have mentored our work from the beginning. We will be forever grateful to the Rev. Andrea J. Goodman (+December 31, 2021) and Patricia T. Black, the co-founders of The Interfaith Peace Project, as well as the Members of the Board who have guided this work over the years.
Please visit the Legacy website ( https://www.interfaithpeaceprojectlegacy.org/ ) and the “Legacy Continues” tab to see how you might continue the Legacy of The Interfaith Peace Project in your daily life. The Legacy Site is dedicated to you with gratitude and love.
Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P.
Executive Director
The Interfaith Peace Project