January 8, 2023
Dear Friends:
The Interfaith Peace Project continues its ongoing observance of the International Women’s Day, March 8, by sending you a reflection on the eighth of every month.
Today, Mary Mendenhall, author and artist, shares with us “Miryam of Nazareth: One Plucky Gell”. You can find more information on author Mary Mendenhall and her writings at: https://www.authormarymendenhall.com/.
We invite you share in this effort by sending any articles or information concerning the voice of women that you would like to share to:
Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P
[email protected]t
Miryam of Nazareth: One Plucky Gell
by Mary Mendenhall
Continuing to Honor
International Women’s Day
In honor of all women
who said yes to the love in their hearts,
the courage of their dreams
and the dignity of themselves

Used with permission of Mary Mendenhall
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash