Changes to Our Website Calendar Posted January 27, 2018 by admin@interfaith


Dear Friends,

We have recently made some changes to our Website Calendar at

As you know, we now have 3 Interfaith Peace Project Centers: the Antioch Center, the Tri-Valley Center in Livermore and the Evergreen Center in Pine Grove!

In order to help you to distinguish our different types of programs on the website calendar, we did some color coding and added the program presenter.

The programs that are presented at venues away from any of the centers, in homes, community rooms, churches, etc., continue to be coded in orange. Currently, these are mostly presented by Father Tom. The programs presented out of the Antioch Center are coded burgundy. The programs presented out of the Tri-Valley Center are green; and the Pine Grove Center are red. These are presented by Father Tom, the center directors or other interfaith leaders.

In order to see who is actually presenting the program, click on the program title and you will be taken to an expanded explanation of the program. At the top of this page you will see the name of who is presenting the program. You will also see whether it is open to the Public or it is Private.

I hope this helps with the calendar changes! We look forward to seeing you soon!


The Interfaith Peace Project