June Kirk
Secretary, Board of Directors
Antioch Director
The Interfaith Peace Project
Working on jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles and sudoku puzzles makes me happy and so does sorting decks of cards, straightening kitchen drawers and filing papers. My heart is peaceful when my world is in order. But creating order in the chaos of everyday life can be difficult at best. I am winking at seventy and still have not figured it all out but I am miles and miles closer because of the people I have connected with at The Interfaith Peace Project; the values I have learned; and the respect, joy and kindness with which I have always been treated. The invitation to Claim Your Dignity, Find Your Voice and Stand Up for What is True, Good, Just and Beautiful plays out in work and play, teaching and learning, giving and receiving.
The Interfaith Peace Project was created as an education program to help people deal with their fears, stereotypes and prejudices about what the religious other believes. Once I got out of my own way, I began to see personal experiences as interfaith experiences. Fears began to dissipate and interest in other faith traditions took its place. And then I met people from other faith traditions. They opened my heart in critical ways. The World is more beautiful because of what every unique human being brings to it by their very existence. I understand the call to work for social justice. I appreciate the importance of taking care of me as well as reaching out to others. My life is much better organized than ever and my heart is the most peaceful it has ever been.
Thank you, Tom Bonacci, for creating The Interfaith Peace Project in Antioch ten years ago this month. May the blessings of peace you are to all you meet return to you a thousand-fold.