WE THE PEOPLE Posted January 22, 2017 by admin@interfaith



     January 21, 2017, will go down in history as a turning point in human consciousness.  Women, men, children, babies, and peoples from every sector and over fifty different countries marched in the streets of the World to protest hate, fear, and prejudice.  These marchers had many different points of view about many different issues.  Some marched for Women and Human Rights, others walked to protect religious and ethnic minorities, many marched in the Pro-Life Movement, and others for an array of concerns and issues.  What they had in common was mutual respect, deep dialogue and a willingness to model in fact the peace our World so deeply longs for in times of conflict and confusion.

     The marchers provided an example of how people with different points of view can walk together not merely in protest but profoundly in solidarity as they seek to forge peace by striving for justice.

     The Interfaith Peace Project encourages people of any persuasion to realize that behind any issue is a real person who deserves our respect.  The powerful example of people walking together with mutual respect, good humor, openness and welcome inspires all of us at The Interfaith Peace Project.  We are inspired and challenged to continue our quest to seek peace through Interfaith understanding, respect, dialogue and cooperation.

     We realize that protests often need to be passionate and hard-hitting especially in dealing with those issues concerning the safety, dignity and the rights of people to live in peace and security.  The worldwide marches of January 21, 2017, may have first been conceived as a day of protest against real or perceived grievances but it turned out to be a day exemplifying the power of the human spirit to be inspired by vision, values and the quest for human dignity.

     It is our prayer and our hope that the example of this day will serve as a model for how people of diverse points of view, cultures, languages, and self-understandings can walk uniquely and faithfully, debate forcefully and respectfully, and always realize the dignity and humanity of all peoples.

     Thanks to the marchers of January 21, 2017, the World is not only a better place but a more hopeful place.  Thanks to the parents who brought their children to the various marches of the World.  May our children grow up in a World where all people can walk in peace and mutual respect.


Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P. with the Board of Directors
The Interfaith Peace Project