The Interfaith Peace Project affirms the rights and dignity of all inmates as human beings worthy of respect and corrective care. While we recognize the crimes of many prisoners are serious and present clear and certain dangers to persons and society, we also call upon correction and prison officials to recognize the dignity and humanity of each and every prisoner.
We stand in solidarity with inmates everywhere as we call for correction facilities that will meet the needs of prisoners who truly desire to improve their lives and become contributing members of society. Educational opportunities on every level should be available to all prisoners. Prisoners should be encouraged to learn and practice productive trades and be paid a just wage, allowing them to make purchases or to send money to their families.
Inmates have a right to pastoral, medical, and psychological care as they confront the truth of their lives. The Interfaith Peace Project strongly reminds all those involved in the lives of inmates to realize the rights of inmates to free and easy access to the faith leaders of their choice. Medical and psychological care should be a right of all human beings whether incarcerated or free.
Inmates must be protected from verbal and physical abuse as well as cruel and unusual punishment. Such protection must also be insured from fellow inmates. As such, the Interfaith Peace Projectl calls for a practical review of how prisoners are treated. Impartial public boards of concerned citizens should monitor our jails and prisons insuring proper and humane treatment.
Inmates have the right to be protected from all forms of sexual crimes, abuse, and discrimination, especially those based on gender identity and / or sexual orientation.
Inmates must be housed in facilities worthy of human habitation. The disabled have a right to ease of access inspite of their status and privileges within the prison system.
The Interfaith Peace Projectl calls for a restructuring of the penal system by which the emphasis will be placed on the constructive rehabilitation for every inmate especially of those who desire such rehabilitation.
We recognize the anger that often results from criminal activity and the harm done to innocent persons. Nonetheless, the manner in which detainees and inmates are treated speaks to the humaneness of our own society. We must not commit crimes in the name of preventing crime. We must recognize the interrelationship between, employment, education, family life, and crime. We must treat the failed and troubled among us with understanding, encouragement, constructive rehabilitation, and all the resources by which they may recover their dignity, self-respect, and humanity.