International Women’s Day for March 7, 2016 Posted March 7, 2016 by admin@interfaith


The Interfaith Peace Project
Circle of Women

Peggy px

Peggy Magovern, Artist

The observance of International Women’s Day (March 8, 2015) marked a turning point in our work here at The Interfaith Peace Project.  Our celebration of International Women’s Day involved many dedicated people who sang and danced their way into our hearts.  We have decided to integrate the wisdom and challenge of that initial observance into our daily life, work, and consciousness.  We will do everything in our power to hear and celebrate the voice of Women as we continue to forge peace through Interfaith understanding.  We are convinced that mutual respect can only be achieved if we hear the voice of real Women in the real World who cry out for justice, dignity, and respect.

The “Circle of Women” is a practical outreach harnessing the wisdom and voice of Women whose insight and courage will influence all that we do and think.  If we cannot and will not hear the wisdom and challenge of Women in our contemporary World, we will not succeed in being fully alive human persons.  Women who claim their dignity do so for the sake of all peoples everywhere.

The “Circle of Women” is a project of The Interfaith Peace Project fostering and supporting open gatherings of Women who share and discuss with one another in such a way as to bless and transform themselves and the World by claiming their dignity and finding their voice.

Also, on every March 8th we will feature the wisdom of Women on our website and in emails.  If you would like to participate in this project, please send us a photo of the Women you would like to honor and the wisdom of their words.  Think of what you learned from a Grandma, Great Aunt, or your Mom to mention a few.  Thank you for your kind consideration and participation.


Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P.
Executive Director

Please click here for more information and to view our first Circle of Women brochure written by Interfaith Peace Project members and followers! We look forward to hearing from you!