Dear Friends,
We continue to dedicate this year in honor of all the children of the World who have suffered the violence of neglect, abuse, and injustice. Honor the children you know as you bless the children of the World on September 21st.
The International Day of Peace (September 21st) provides us an excellent opportunity to practice peace-making in all the affairs of our lives. If we can practice peace for one day, then, one day at a time, we can be peaceful for a lifetime.
Peace is that deep sense of well-being we discover in our hearts. It requires skillful development. The Interfaith Peace Project is committed in all our efforts to practicing the philosophy and vision of the International Day of Peace.
People of every faith tradition have a unique opportunity to practice peace in this our contemporary world. The ease of travel and the marvels of social media and communication bring us together in ways never before imagined. Nonetheless, we must overcome the temptation to think this technology is simply another way to be entertained.
Today’s social media empowers us to be aware of the struggles of all human beings as they seek justice and dignity. We can only make peace if we know where justice is needed.
To be a person who works for peace is to be a dedicated person who pursues justice. Justice, of course, is realized when the dignity of everybody is the work of everyone.
Technology fosters the awareness by which we can know and experience the struggles of others. Inner peace gives us the courage to rise to the occasion as we stand in solidarity with all those who seek to do their best for the sake of another.
As the International Day of Peace dawns upon us, we at The Interfaith Peace Project join with you in practicing peace in all the affairs of our lives. We stand with you as we seek that justice by which the dignity of all may be realized.
To see our September 21st brochure, please go to ‘Newsletter” on this website.
Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P.
Executive Director with the Board of Directors
and the Community of The Interfaith Peace Project