The United Nations International Day of Peace (September 21st) has become a signature day for all those concerned with world peace and the contribution the Faith Traditions of humankind can make to such an endeavor. The International Day of Peace invites all people to practice peace in every thought, word, and deed of the day. If we can consciously practice peace in all our endeavors for a day, then why not practice peace for a lifetime. East Contra Costa County celebrated the International Day of Peace at 2 churches, The East County Shared Ministry on September 21, 2012, and The Antioch Seventh-day Adventist Church on September 22, 2012.
East County Shared Ministry
(Community Presbyterian Church of Pittsburg
First Congregational Church of Antioch
Dedication of The Peace Pole

Lonnie Bristow, M.D.,lnterfaith Peace Proiect
Why we are here: The History of The Peace Pole
Dr. Karen Hastings-Flegel
The Languages of the Earth & The Languages of
The Peace Pole: “May Peace Prevail on Earth”
Rev. Chrisy Parks—Ramage
Let This Water Be a Symbol of our common humanity..
Let this salt be a symbol of the sorrow and tears in our broken world.
Sharing Our Homes & Dreams
Sending Prayers Out to the Universe
The Children
Procession Around The Peace Pole
Father Thomas P Bonacci. C.P.
Dedicatory Prayer
Interfaith Prayer Service
Welcome : Rev. Christy Parks—Ramage &
Father Tom Bonaccii,C.P.
Fanga Alafiaz Call & Response — Traditional Yoruba Chant
Michael Miller
As-salaamu Lakum & Hineh Ma Tov – Traditional Hebrew
Chant – New Way
Sapagkat Ang Diyos Ay Pag-lbig (Because God is Love)
Crossroads Christian Center
Dave Magalong/Bong Imperial
Canto de Esperanza (Song of Hope) – All Participants
Testify to Love – Jane Fish, soloist, New Way
This is my Song – All Participants
Sikh Shabad – Sukhdev Singh & Jasvear Kaur
Lindsey Arms, soloist
Chant de paix (Song of Peace) – Jean Langlais
Moment of Silence
Blowin’ in The Wind by Bob Dylan
Make Me a Channel of Your Peace – ECSM Choir
Don Pearson, Organ
Imagine by John Lennon
If the War Goes On by John Bell and Graham Maule
Will McGarvey, soloist
Go Make A Difference — New Way
Let There Be Peace on Earth — All participants