
Interfaith Spirituality: The Spirit Breathes Wherever the Spirit Wills
Presented by Father Thomas P. Bonocci, C.P.
October 9-11, 2015

It is quite important to establish principles by which we might dialogue, encounter, and appreciate the religious practitioner of a “Faith” Tradition other than our own. We do so that we might re-encounter our own faith tradition with the mind and heart born of our encounter with others. We will read anew key passages from the Bible in light of the Traditions of Humankind. We do so since the Spirit of God has been poured out upon all peoples. Perhaps we are on the verge of a truly “Global Spirituality” in which the wisdom of the Faith Traditions interconnect and interrelate to the delight and transformation of all humankind.

Friday, October 9, 2015
Registration 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Social 6:00 PM
Dinner 7:00 PM

First Reflection 8:15 PM
Axial Consciousness: Review
The Emergence of World Scripture
Open Discussion

Saturday, October 10, 2015
Breakfast 8:00 AM
Quiet Time for Personal Prayer

Second Reflection 9:30 AM
Study in Documentation
The “Actuality” of the Axial Sages

Third Reflection 11:15
Jesus as Shaman – Rereading Matthew’s Gospel

Lunch 12:00 Noon
Quite Time, Rest, Study

Fourth Reflection 3:00 PM
You shall love your enemy!
The Buddha and The Christ – Baptism and Enlightenment

Celebration 4:45 PM
Testifying to your experience/understanding Jesus

Supper 6:00 PM

Workshop 7:30 PM
Indigenous Experience in America/California
Optional Discussion with Tom

Sunday, October 11, 2015
Optional Liturgy 7:15 AM
The Mass of the Sunday

Breakfast 8:15
Quiet Personal Time for Spiritual Practice

Fifth Reflection 9:30AM
Jesus as Ecological Prophet
Reflections on Laudato si–The Gaze of Jesus

Final Thoughts and Discussion 10:30 AM

Rumi’s One Table 11:15 AM

Free Time and Quiet: 1130 AM

Lunch and Peaceful Farewell Noon

Private Room: $235
Double Room: $205

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