February 2, 2025
Today is the second of our daily reflections for Interfaith Harmony Week. (If you missed any of the other days, you can find them in the blog section of our website, interfaithpeaceproject.org .) The Interfaith Peace Project is pleased to offer you these reflections for each day of Interfaith Harmony Week, February 1-7, 2025.
Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P
[email protected]

Adobe Stock 1172204459 By Rattana
“ We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience”
Teilhard de Chardin
“ Reality moves in Harmony with Love”
Beverly Lanzetta
“The Mysteries in Life are not problems to be solved,
but realities to be experienced”
Van der Leuuw
These three quotes have inspired my musings and reflections on the theme of Interfaith Harmony this year, “Love of the Good and Love of the Neighbor.” This is a humble attempt to express in words our shared human journey, quest, and exploration of diverse and unique ways of being, knowing, and loving relationships together in our world and yet beyond. There are many different interrelated, interconnected, multi-dimensional perspectives, revelations, languages, and pathways that we humans have been inspired to follow through our respective faiths, spiritual traditions, and dispositions. A search for meaning, direction, and purpose that is deeply and intimately at the center of our being in relationship with the mystery of Life that is always, transcendent, expansive, creative, and life-giving. This has been framed in words like- Absolute, Infinite, Ultimate, Universal, Eternal … This movement and compelling relationship is often considered ineffable and elusive. The term Mystery best describes this.
Randy Thomas
Powerful Thought
May I stand in the light of the mystery of it all as a being who freely decides to love for the benefit of everyone. I am not defined by the world around me but the love within me.
I commit myself to the love in my heart, realizing I am free to love.
I will resist the temptation to think I can only love those who love me.
Love will be my motivation today and every day.
I realize love is doing the best thing for another, even if that means leaving them alone. Love moves beyond what is “nice” to what is necessary if another might flourish.
Love empowers me to be my true self for the sake of self, others, and the world.