Sikh: Prayer That Longs for a World at Peace
Peace that:
transcends temporal frontiers, reaches deep into the spiritual realm,
transports our spirit to a new purpose, sets our sight to a higher promise.
Peace that:
accepts all triumphs and trials, inspires respect and understanding
among nations, discovers meaning and challenge in all things,
entertains The Good of All Creation.
Peace that:
the threat of war is a distant memory, peaceful coexistence is not an illusion,
unwelcome conflicts do not intrude on human space,
might surrenders to right in loving grace.
Peace that:
the mind captures and honors the essence of life, the soul dances
to the rhythms of universal joy, great ideas are rewarded chariots
of fantasy, common everyday living is a cherished pastime.
Peace that:
the heart cherishes giving, giving in faith is a sacred rite,
the true count of blessings begins with giving,
the spirit yearns to serve as an offering.
Peace that:
legends and tradition echo and affirm Universal spirit,
faith and seva (service) converge to mirror our humanity,
the Light of the Unseen guides us through unimagined
valleys, the promise of tomorrows keeps
hope and dreams alive.
Peace that:
despair and divisiveness no longer threaten the human race,
ignorance and injustice find no friendly place, vision
and striving strengthen and thread human destiny,
diversity of thoughts and ideas is a cherished treasure.
Peace that:
reason and truths herald triumphs, dignity and justice are sacred rights,
love transcends all colors and separating walls,
hope and freedom are an eternal flame.
Lord, teach us to make peace with all that surrounds us.
May we reflect on the meaning and shape of our universe and
nurture it with prayer, sacrifice and inspirations of great souls.
May our labors and prayers converge to create a beautiful
canopy of dignity, equality, justice and friendship
for all living beings under the heavens
to live and prosper in peace.
May the entire creation move forward in solidarity,
oneness of spirit and purpose, and together shape
and inherit a legacy worthy of God and man,
where peace is not a dream but our true destiny.
Kanwal Prakash “KP” Singh
Indianapolis, Indiana USA