
Vote for Their Future!
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October 21, 2024

The Interfaith Peace Project continues its ongoing observance of the International Day of Peace, September 21, by sending out a reflection on the twenty-first of every month. We invite you share in this effort by sending any articles or information that you would like to share to:

Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P.
[email protected]

by Susan Batterton

“God Bless America! Land that I Love!”

The patriotic holidays of summer have come and gone. Memorial Day, Flag Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, and Labor Day are behind us as we quickly approach Election Day.

I have thought of myself as a patriot my whole life of 73 years. I have loved my country. Reviewing my life, I see there are times of deep longing that we do better, mixed with times of deep pride for what we have accomplished.

I was taught history lessons on World War I and II, that recounted our isolationist tendencies that kept us from immediately joining in to stop the Nazis, the Holocaust, and the Japanese invasion of other countries. I experienced days of hunkering down during the Cuban Missile Crisis. I spent days wondering about how much hate there is in the world. I was frightened during the days of the space race with Communist Russia.

There were the days of the Cold War when relatives and friends were building nuclear bomb shelters. There was the day that an assassin killed our president, John F. Kennedy. I also vividly remember during my teen years, the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who gave his life to make us a more just people. I recall the Vietnam War protests when many young people (and old) demanded an end to the violence that killed so many innocent people. The racist outcry and backlash at the election of our first black president, Barack Obama, continues to infect our Country as the struggle for equal rights continues.

There were times of great pride. After the end of the World Wars, the establishment of the United Nations brought hope for peace among the Nations. There was the creation of the Interstate Highway system to move goods and people efficiently across the United States and the winning of the race to the moon when I was barely out of high school! My grandma applied for and got Social Security and Medicare once the laws were passed to help seniors survive.

The Medicaid system was created to help the poor get medical care, followed by the Affordable Care Act establishing health care as a right of all citizens and not just a privileged few. Our current endeavors to deal with climate change by creating clean energy, recycling, and cleaning up the water and the earth are reachable goals that we must continue to pursue. As a people, beating back the COVID-19 virus and the pandemic it caused are accomplishments for the ages.

Unfortunately, the last ten years of our history have been filled with bitterness and strife. We are a divided country. Women and women’s rights are under attack; isolationism and Naziism have risen their ugly heads. The wars in the Middle East and Ukraine tempt us to withdraw into a new isolationism.  Some long to suspend our Constitutional way of life, which thousands have died for, in exchange for a dictatorship. Some want more breaks for the wealthy at the expense of the poor and middle class.   

But I still proudly and hopefully sing those humble words, “God Bless America! Land that I love!” In the last 100 years, The United States of America has created and seen many changes an authentic patriot can be proud of, even though much still needs to be done. 

Let’s vote and continue to grow as a people and a Nation. Let’s rise above all the division and stand together as a people united for the sake of one another and all the world. 

Please vote. The future depends on it!