The Interfaith Peace Project
April 9, 2023
As Christians are celebrating Easter, the Jewish Community is celebrating the blessed season of Passover (April 5-13), and Muslims are celebrating Ramadan (March 22-April 20), we all reach out in love to all the world. May we hear the Word of God in our hearts. May we taste the bitterness of other people’s affliction and come to their rescue. May we not be afraid to give of ourselves in good times and bad. May we live our lives as persons of forgiveness and peace.
We commit ourselves to praying for all oppressors everywhere. May they soon have a Divine revelation so the anger and fear in their hearts might become understanding and compassion. We commit ourselves to work for the freedom and liberation of all oppressed people. May our gracious deeds transform the Earth. We commit ourselves to being people of radical self-giving. Let us open our arms to embrace the lowly and the poor.
A Blessed Easter!
Chag Pesach Sameach! (Happy Passover Holidays!)
Ramadan Mubarak! (Happy Ramadan!)