May 7, 2023
A Reflection from the Interpath Traditions
by Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P.
In this apocalyptic time, when the right to own and fire a gun takes precedence over the dignity and life of another person, the imagery in Revelation 3:20 is chilling. Jesus stands at the door knocking. He is willing to enter the house upon invitation to share his life and wisdom. Today, he might very likely be met with gunfire in our country. The violence in America cannot stand. In many sectors of our society, gun possession is seen as a human right and a divine prerogative, above all others. The time has come to reconsider our priorities before any more people are slaughtered on the altar of self-righteousness.
One former Vice-President, sympathetic to gun ownership, suggested fear is behind gun violence. There are now more guns in America than people. Perhaps the time has come to fear guns and embrace common sense and decency.
Perhaps the time has come to open the doors. First, let us open the doors of our hearts. Deep within each and every person, there is a heart more than capable of love and respect. Second, let us open the doors of our worship sites, transforming them into centers of reconciliation, understanding, and forgiveness. Finally, let us open the doors of our homes to those we might consider strangers, outsiders, and outcasts. We must meet the people we might otherwise reject if peace, based on justice, is to be a reality in our Country. We must honor all those killed by the senseless violence slowly killing us as a people and a society.
Consider the aunt of Ralph Yarl, the sixteen-year-old shot twice for ringing a doorbell. She is a perfect example of what it means to open the heart. Speaking of her nephew, Dr. Faith Spoonmore declared: “He’s loving the love he’s getting from everyone.”
There is a quote for the century, “Loving the love.” Thank God for people who open the doors of their hearts and love anyway. Thank God for people like Ralph who open the doors of their souls to receive love in times of tragedy and adversity. Thank God for Dr. Faith Spoonmore, who has the courage to express her anger about the violence her nephew unjustly suffered with poise, gratitude, and love.
Blessings to you, Holy Community, for all the times you open the door of your heart to welcome the stranger, the hurting, the rejected. Thank you for blessing the World with your love.