
September 21, 2024

Today is The International Day of Peace, September 21! We celebrate this day every 21st of the month by sending out a reflection. We invite you to share in this effort by sending any articles or information that you would like to share to:

Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P
[email protected]

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The International Day of Peace
September 21, 2024
by Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P.

The International Day of Peace and the International Women’s Day form the heart and soul of The Interfaith Peace Project. 

The voices of so many women have blessed our world with their call to justice. While March 8th is the official observance of Women’s Day, the Interfaith Peace Project observes the 8th of every month in honor of all women who transform the world with their strength, wisdom, and courage. 

September 21st marks the observance of the International Day of Peace established by the United Nations in 1981 to foster and promote peace and non-violence in the world.

The Interfaith Peace Project observes the 21st of every month in honor of Peace Day. In fact, every day must be dedicated to peace and non-violence. The objectification of people as animals and objects of scorn must stop. We plea and work for decency in Ukraine, Gaza, and Springfield, Ohio. The International Day of Peace invites us to stop and consider how we might become better people for the sake of the world and one another.

This year, the observance of September 21st is of special significance to all of us at The Interfaith Peace Project. 

Our dear friend and mentor in peace, George A. D’Angelo, passed away a few weeks ago. George, along with Sr. Barbara Finch, his close friend and associate, were instrumental in establishing the observance of the International Day of Peace at our first center at Carlow University in Pittsburgh, PA.

George was the Founder of the Peace Vigil for the International Day of Peace. He traveled the world in pursuit of peace and the justice that makes peace possible. 

The philosophy of the Vigil permanently touched and changed the heart of The Interfaith Peace Project. George taught and exemplified what it means to practice peace in all our affairs. At the core of the Vigil for Peace, observed on September 21st, is the simple idea that if we can practice peace in all our affairs for one day, then perhaps we can be people of peace every day of our lives.

As we observe this International Day of Peace, we remember George and all the people who dedicate themselves to the practice of peace. This is the peace that makes justice possible.

Thank you, Beloved Community, for striving to be people of peace. You bless the world in ways you may never know. Thank you for giving peace a chance.


If we can practice peace in everything we say and do for a day, we can live in peace forever!

Obituary for George A. D’Angelo