
In Honor of Women’s Voices Rising in Our Time

Soft Moon Shining

My beloved Divine Mother
Dance with me
under the soft moon shining
in the wide open fields
far beyond the toil and trouble
of my busy mind

Dance with me
before the night grows old
while the winds of love
still bow the grasses
and the coyotes howl for you
to step their way

Dance with me my beloved
while the Mystery’s Edge
still flirts in the shadow
of your radiant light

                                                    Ethan Walker III

Dear Friends,

The Interfaith Peace Project is pleased to present the ninth vignette of our series of reflective vignettes and questions to facilitate the claiming of one’s dignity. These vignettes and questions are written by Carrie Knowles. They are a series of situational stories inviting women to reflect in such a way as to find their voice and claim their dignity.

We will publish these vignettes on the eighth of every month in honor of March 8, International Women’s Day.  We are hoping that you will engage your friends in reflective dialogue, maybe even form small discussion groups as these situational stories can foster dialogue with men and women alike.

Please share with us your feedback and reflections.

Happy Holidays from The Interfaith Peace Project!


Vignette 9

Danica Roem

A transgender woman, Danica Roem, has just been elected to the Virginia House of Delegates. She is the first openly transgender woman elected and seated in a United States statehouse. Danica effectively turned the attention of the election from hate to quality of life issues.

“I never ran away from my identity. Ever. I owned it immediately, and I celebrated it…” Her advice to others running for office: “Talk about policy, let’s talk about the stuff that actually affects everyone’s lives….control your own personal narrative and put it out there. Let people know who you are and then go win your election…” The Slot 11/16/17

Questions for Your Reflection

What is your response to the election of Danica Roem?

How do you think Danica finding her voice has contributed to our national discourse?

When you consider your own faith tradition, ideally what would you like to see Danica and other women do?

How might Danica’s experience resonate with any of your own experiences as a woman?

How may your reflections deepen your intention to stand up for what is right and true?

To Print: Vignette 9