Notice During the Covid-19 Outbreak
In solidarity, we at the Interfaith Peace Project stand together in these times of heart break and upset. Some of you may have lost friends or family members. Some of you may have lost your job and your income; some may be working overtime to help with the crisis. Some of you may be home and alone and some may be trying to figure out a new way to live. Please let us know how we can help. If you would like a phone appointment with any of us, give us a call.You may call or email Tom at:
© K.-U. Häßler
February 27, 2021
MARK 9:2-10
MARK 9:2-10
A Reflection from the Christian Traditions
by Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P.
by Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P.
Some scholars think the Transfiguration Account is a Resurrection account read back into the main body of the Gospel to comfort and encourage the disciples as they begin to cope with the impending passion and death of Jesus. His Cross is starting to loom large in their lives. We could all use a visit of hope from the future. It would be more than encouraging concerning our present-day suffering. It takes great courage to endure the uncertainty and ambiguity of the present without any assurance concerning the future. We can only hope for a vision from the future to bless us at the moment.
Jesus commands his disciples to say nothing of his Transfiguration vision until the Cross becomes the sign of courage and persistence. They, like we, are invited to see the World in a different light. The disciples are suffering the potential loss of someone they love. They are all too willing to sedate their sense of loss with momentary and passing relief.
A deeper appreciation of the narrative reveals not so much a vision of glory as a statement of purpose. The past and future have converged in Jesus. Moses invites freedom and liberty (remembering the Exodus) as Elijah signifies hope and the expectation of better days (he will come again). Transfiguration is not so much a vision as a process for the courageous. Embrace the World as it is while working to make it what it should be. Remember the past, long for the future, work in the moment.
More to the point, the word “transfiguration” is one of those magical and lovely words. The Greek word for transfiguration means “metamorphosis.” Jesus changes in appearance as he converses with Moses and Elijah, who are transformative figures in their own right. They now appear to encourage Jesus on his journey to the Cross and beyond. Transformative figures always suffer much as they bless others and transform the World.
Metamorphosis reminds us of the beautiful butterflies of spring and summer. It’s long and laborious to become something beautiful (Mark’s Gospel uses the word “dazzling.”) Imagine if that winged creature of great beauty gave up along the road, defeated by the trials and setbacks of life? The World would be missing something beautiful.
Seize the day as it is with all its difficulties. Strive to become beautiful in the here and now of life. If you cry over the news of the day, see your tears as the beauty of your compassion. If you laugh at a child’s joke, hear the beauty of the laughter. If you are encountering the need of another, experience the beauty of their courage to seek help. Life is a process. Live in the moment. It is but another step in manifesting the beautiful nature of you. In a word, be dazzling!
Blessings to you, Holy Community, for being a person of beauty in the here and now of life. As Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus, may we appear to one another with comfort, understanding, encouragement, and peace.