All Is Calm: A Reflection from the Interpath Traditions Posted December 25, 2022 by Susan Batterton

Off Declan Hillman

December 25, 2022

A Reflection from the Interpath Traditions
by Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P.

Christmas songs are beautiful, odd, and somewhat prophetic. They range from the profound to the silly. Sometimes something is going on under a mistletoe, or all is calm, all is bright. 

Over the years, the interreligious infrastructure of the Holiday Season has developed in rich and marvelous ways. Christmas, Hannukah, the Winter Solstice, Kwanza, and sometimes Ramadan dance together. The conjunction of these festivals and observances blesses the World inviting everyone everywhere to be kind, compassionate, and loving. While tragedy continues to injure the World, hope springs eternal as the beauty of the Holiday Season unfolds. These celebrations and observances inspire our lives, awakening a sense of hope and peace within us.  In addition, the Season’s music reveals what some might call the spirituality of the Holiday Season.

I asked some friends what songs touched their hearts in this Season of Light. After a few moments of thought, they not only shared the titles of a song but broke out into song in ways funny and profound.

The first friend sang and danced a little as I heard the beautiful words, “Soon the bells will start. And the thing that will make ‘em ring is the carol that you sing, right within your heart.” So find the song in your heart, and the World will be blessed by the light coming forth from your love.

The second friend reminded us of a song about shepherds “quaking at the sight” of a newborn child. Now is the time to bless the children and promise to keep them safe. Every child is God’s blessing resting upon us.

Finally, the traditional song shared by a third friend prays the World will be “filled with heavenly peace.” This is the deep desire of the Faith Traditions of humankind.  Therefore, it would be well for us to contribute to the upbuilding of the World as together we desire what is right, true, good, and beautiful.     

This is the Season for us to discover anew the song in our hearts by which we will bless everyone we meet with peace, understanding, and deep respect.

This is the time to rediscover the child within our hearts as we honor the children in the World, especially those victimized by war, strife, and abuse.

This is the moment to learn from one another about the diversity of the faiths, the beauty of the human family, and the splendor of life. Celebrate the Holy Days, observe the Holidays, and rejoice in the beauty of it all.

Blessings to you, Holy Community, for the gift of you. Fear not to keep giving of yourselves. 

As things begin to return to a new normal, we at The Interfaith Peace Project are here for you in any way that you need us. The Antioch Center is now open to fully vaccinated people on Wednesdays, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. We are vigilant and will adjust to any and all recommendations from the state and county. We will continue our work through Zoom as we add in person programs. If you would like to schedule an in person or Zoom program or would like a phone appointment with any of us, give us a call. You may call or email Tom at:
Tom Bonacci
[email protected]
925-787- 9279