A TIME TO HOPE Posted October 31, 2024 by admin@interfaith


By zimmytws Adobe Stock 360716735


We here at The Interfaith Peace Project are aware that so many people are struggling with the anxiety caused by the approaching election. We invite you to stop by the Antioch Center during Election Day, November 5, to support one another as the election concludes. Also, please feel free to join us on November 6 for our Wednesday Open House as we begin to recover from the trauma of the election. We will need to support one another regardless of the results. The Center will open at 11:30 am each day. Please call (925) 822-7209 or (925) 787-9279 for more information. 

We are a non-profit organization, so we cannot formally promote or endorse any candidate for office. We can, however, emphasize how important it is for The Interfaith Peace Project to walk in the pathways of inclusion, diversity, and equality for all people. We strongly endorse the full human rights of all people as we seek to call people by name rather than call them names.  We can and do endorse decency in civil discourse as we promote whatever is necessary to foster the beloved community. We stand in solidarity with everyone who suffers discrimination, racism, or sexism. We can and do offer our Center as a place for people to gather for support, encouragement, and foster the values we hold dear.

If you do not live near our Antioch Center, consider offering your friends and acquaintances your own home as a place to gather for a few hours of mutual support and encouragement. Consider having ZOOM gatherings as we reach out to one another at this most important time in our Nation’s history.

We suggest the following in coping with the stress and anxiety of the election:

1. Name the issues that most concern you. Realize your feelings of anxiety and hopelessness reveal what is important to you. Rededicate yourself to your beliefs and convictions. You have a right to feel what you feel. Seek the wisdom of your feelings, letting them give you a sense of purpose and direction.

2. Consider how the issue affects your life, the life of your family, friends, country, and or the world. You are not alone in your concerns. Become aware of the organizations you can join or support to foster your convictions.

3. Light a candle to remind you and others to be dedicated to peace in all the affairs of your life. Faithfully practice the faith or spiritual traditions that give you hope, encouragement, and serenity.

4. Reach out to others for mutual support.

Blessings to you, Beloved Community, for caring about the Nation and the world. Thank you for lifting up the rejected and scorned of this world. Thank you for your gentle speech and peaceful heart. Remember, The Interfaith Peace Project will continue to be faithful to what is good, true, right, and beautiful, no matter the results of the election.