A Blessed Holiday to All by Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P. Posted December 20, 2024 by admin@interfaith


December 20, 2024

Dear Friends,

The elderly man boarded the N train to Ocean Beach in San Francisco. I could tell he was aging fast. I identify with him. Where have all the years gone? Why does time speed away as if something urgent and necessary is on the horizon? I felt sorrow for him as he struggled to get to his seat. I could feel the pain he was suffering in his joints and body.

To my surprise, he pulled out his phone and plugged in the earphones, his face lit up, and the years seemed to reverse into some golden age. His smile was wide and infectious. Everyone on the train seemed to notice. Soon, we were all smiling with him.

I noticed how his fingers danced on his knee to the sound of the music no one could hear. Sure enough, his head began to bob and sway as he was suddenly sixteen. The rhythm of his silent music blessed my heart and I had to do everything I could to keep my feet from dancing. They danced anyway. The beat of the silent music pulsating through his body was simply overwhelming, if not inspiring.

Jewish Wisdom Literature speaks of the Word of the Divine quietly spoken in the silent watches of the night. Listen to the quiet whenever you can and let your heart be touched by the music of the Universe – the song in your soul. Maybe the Divine is singing another melody of joy, peace, and compassion. My friend on the train heard the music, and we were blessed.

Keep on dancing, Beloved Community. Let the moon be your rhythm, the stars your inspiration, and your fellow companions the joy of your heart. Then, every holiday will be holy, and every day will be a holiday. So rejoice, sing and dance, and be astonished in the silence of night, which gives birth to a new day and renewed hope.


Tom, cp, and the Community of
The Interfaith Peace Project