Women’s Circle of Wisdom for January 2017 Posted January 8, 2017 by admin@interfaith


The Interfaith Peace Project Circle of Wisdom welcomes Rev. Andrea Goodman, President of the Board of Directors as author of our January Women’s Circle Reflection. 

Andrea shares the following prayer that she recently gave at the 20th Thanksgiving Interfaith Service at Joan of Arc Catholic Church, sponsored by the Tri-Valley Interfaith Council. The theme was “Embrace Hope..Look Beyond Fear.”


Five Attitudes of the Heart 

The First Attitude of the Heart:

Feel the interconnectedness with our sisters and brothers who are demeaned and forgotten.  Let us pray…

     O, Quan Yin, may Women’s voices be
heard and recognized.
May we rise up to demand humane treatment
for all citizens of the world,
including ourselves.
We cry out with compassion for those who
are desperate.

Stand with our demeaned and forgotten sisters
and brothers.


The Second Attitude of the Heart:

Listen for understanding, and as St. Benedict said: “Listen with the Ear of your Heart.” Let us pray…

O, Gracious God, may we inquire
with an open heart to better
understand those we meet.
We cry out to them:  Why do you feel
so strongly?  How have you been hurt?
Help us, please, understand.

Listen for Understanding.


The Third Attitude of the Heart:

Acknowledge our inherited biases and stereotypes:  Let us pray…

O, Allah, may we explore when and
to whom we shut our heart.
We cry out for forgiveness from those
we label “Other”.

Acknowledge our Inherited Biases and Stereotypes.


The Fourth Attitude of the Heart:

Travel to the depths of our Heart and ask: “What do I truly believe?” – not what have I been told to believe: Let us pray…

O, YHWH, may we seek with curiosity
and fresh eyes, that which we truly
believe, to live and act
with integrity.
We cry out for clarity so that we may
bring the spark of life to
the darkness.

What do I truly believe?


The Fifth Attitude of the Heart:

We are born with the responsibility to be instruments of peace.  Let us pray…

O Vishnu, may our world be peaceful and safe.
We cry out for justice that ends racism
and sexism and culturalism
and abuse.
We cry out for protection and respect of our
Mother Earth.

Be instruments of peace.


O You, Breath of Life:

We are so very grateful that
we are the blessing that
others need.