107 Days Posted November 8, 2024 by admin@interfaith


November 8 2024

Dear Friends:

The Interfaith Peace Project continues its ongoing observance of the International Women’s Day, March 8, by sending you a reflection on the eighth of every month. We invite you share in this effort by sending any articles or information concerning the voice of women that you would like to share to:

Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P
[email protected]

107 Days
Continuing to Honor International Women’s Day
By Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P.

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In uncertain times like ours, when the ambiguity of the moment seems to tilt in the direction of fear, hurt, and great suffering for so many in the world, I can only give thanks for the 107 days of hope that touched my life.

Transcending the political scene for a moment, I found it refreshing to hear a woman speak in such a way I felt respected and honored for 107 days.

I heard a woman speak in a manner of decency for 107 days.

For 107 days, a woman spoke to us with great humor and humility.

For 107 days, a woman under enormous pressure traveled throughout the Country, meeting friends and foes alike. 

For 107 days, I felt hope that my Country could realize its dream of being a true multicultural democracy.

For 107 days, I felt a sense of interior calm I had not felt in a long time.

For 107 days, I rejoiced as the Nation could see itself as a joyful, welcoming people ready to be of great service to the world.

For 107 days, I was blessed to know so many loving people existed.

For 107 days, I was hopeful money was not the definition of everything.

For 107 days, I was dreaming a dream we could do together what no one of us could do alone.

For 107 days, I felt hope and joy.

For these 107 days, I felt a sense of peace.

In honor of these 107 days, I recommit to honoring, recognizing, and building the Beloved Community as best I can.

Thanks for the 107 days.