A Series of Reflections for Women and Men – Vignette 2 Posted May 8, 2017 by admin@interfaith


Dear Friends,

The Interfaith Peace Project is pleased to present the second of the series of reflective vignettes and questions to facilitate the claiming of one’s dignity.  These vignettes and questions are written by Carrie Knowles. They are a series of situational stories inviting women to reflect in such a way as to find their voice and claim their dignity.

We will publish these vignettes on the eighth of every month in honor of March 8, International Women’s Day.  We are hoping that you will engage your friends in reflective dialogue, maybe even form small discussion groups as these situational stories can foster dialogue with men and women alike.

Please share with us your feedback and reflections.

Vignette 2

Josephine was seriously injured on her job recently and is seeking retraining for a desk job.  She was a line worker at an electric power company, the only woman member of the crew and the men regularly teased her about her gender.  One day she slipped and fell many feet to the ground while she was climbing a power pole to repair the line.

After the accident, her supervisor asked to see her work boots she always kept in her locker.  For safety, work boots have sharp spikes on their soles, to grip the pole.  She was shocked when he showed her that the spikes on her boots had been filed down.

Questions for Your Consideration

What do you think Josephine’s feelings may be about the likely cause of her accident?

What might Josephine do in response to this information?

 What are the likely consequences if she does-or does not-take some action in this situation?

When you consider your own faith tradition, ideally what would you like to see her do?

How does Josephine’s experience resonate with any of your experiences as a woman?

How may your reflections deepen your intention to stand up for what is right and true?

To print a copy click: Vignette 2